"helo,melo,belo :) oke.my name is ezarif de latious.7teen y/o.stay at Alor Gajah.TAKEN by muhd arif,,hanya dia sajja .sorry sebap blog nie ta la selawa blog u all .apapa i mintak maaf sebap blog tak bape best okayy .dun 4get to follow me yahh"

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sayangkamooalotdehh !

hahaha ,,firstly aku mmg nak ucapkan bebanyak time kaseh dekat HANNAH HARICOT tuh ..sebab kamoo ,,blog sye nampak meriah .hhee ~wloupon org kat luaa sne ckp TAK ,sye tetp ckp YE jugakk !!HEHEE ~apapa pon tak lupe gakk kat arep tersayang !!hee,abgg miss you a lott lahh ..daa lme takk meet kan ??nnty abg blik ,,kiter pergi pizza okayy ??setuju ?dekat stoo aman ..tader sape kacoo ..HAHAHA ..pape pon ,,i will wait 4 you hunn ..tht is my promise lhaaa ..
dear ,,i really nedd you n your love okayy !!hee~you can trust me kann ??so ??just trust lah ..hee~

lihat tuhh ??ngerti bukann ??aygg mmg syg abgg lahh ..takde org laen pon akan thu ..just me unlee okayy ~hee~ayg takkan hancurkan cinta kita ..trust me dear !!!

this picture i capture that mase aku jumpe arep ,,dea hbis exam SPM ...tpy blum hbis smuanya laaa ..ade lagy takk hbis ..dea nakk jumpa aku tuk dapatt kn ilham ..ILHAM laaa sgt kann ??atauponn aku jehh yg gedikk ??heee !
what ever ,,its important to you know is ILYSM too muchhhh ...muuuuaaahhhhxxx !